Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

About Tea Walini

Walini tea is the mark or brand of tea product in a packaging which is produced by Unit Industri Hilir Teh (IHT) PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII Bandung Indonesia.
Walini Tea has expired for 3 (three) years effectively since the production date. Raw material sources of Walini Tea come from the plantations that they have the national or international certificate so that its quality is most assured.
I love Walini tea Original Indonesia tea with specific taste and aroma.

Quality of Walini Tea

From the reseach results, that Pusat Penelitian Teh and Kina (PPTK) Gambung, West Java, Indonesia is conducted, showed that the content of Polyphenol which is an active component for health, in Indonesian tea higher that the other countries tea. 

 Water Color of boiling water pouring tea is most bright (to prove the Walini tea made from the selected tea leafs). Fresh aroma and natural fresh its color and can be used for some services. 

 Time and Serving Tea

Tea can be conducted in the morning, noon or afternoon. In the night, tea drink has functioned for detoxification to make clean the digestion tract.   

Requirement for serving Walini Tea

 Loose Tea :
Put 3.5 spoons tea into a Tea Put (1000 cc). Pouring the hot water -/+ 100 Celsius Degree. Drink  it when it is still warm, to increase the taste it can be added some sugar, milk, honey or lemon.

Tea Bag: 
 Put a tea bag into a tea cup pouring the hot water -/+ 100 Celsius degree (-/+ 75 Celsius degree in particular for green tea). and then dissolving it for -/+ 2 minutes, so that there is a desirable content. drink when it is still warm, to increase the taste it can be added some sugar, milk, honey or lemon.

Product Catalogue

Contact Person : 
Mia Mardiana
e-mail : mia_mardiana@ymail.com
Phone Number: +62896-550-552-97

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